Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Red Balloon Tied to an Anchor

Bound, Tied, held back
 Never reaching full flight
This heavy anchor attaches to me
Keeping me from ever being free
Holding me down like a stack of bricks
Un-tampered with
Tough, strong, permanent
But nothing is ever really permanent
Nothing last forever
Not even an entire house made out of the strongest of bricks
So when will this anchor unleash me?
When can I reach my full potential?
When can my beautiful bouquet of red illuminate the sky?
And influence people
 Giving them answers to why
And how
And when
Helping to inspire and letting them know that even with
This Giant bound Anchor holding me down
 I still have the hope to eventually fly
Eventually soar and let go of this excess baggage
I will someday be free
Rise higher than the tallest of trees
But this anchor
This bloody resistant anchor
Will never let me go on its own
Will never unleash me by its self
But with your help
With your care
And the simple untying of a knot
Or snip of a scissor
 You can finally free me
You can finally let me soar
 And I can finally say
That this anchor binds me no more
  ~Dana Chang  

Artwork Created by Chicago Teens

 I found this piece both simple and intriguing. Although there is no complete WOW factor to it, the simplicity of the picture really just got me interested. I cant pinpoint exactly what, bu there is just something about it.

Friday, December 2, 2011


The root word of desire is "sire." Desire is something that overpowers everyone. Throughout the book desire is presented in many different ways. If it's Esperanza's desire to move away from Mango Street or between the relationship of men and women, getting married, or some form of abuse. Esperanza always longs to get away from Mango Street and find a house she can call her home. It's only a temporary home in her eyes. Either it’s Bums in the attic and a house on the hills with a garden. Marin had a desire for a man too sweep her off her feet and take her away. "She's going to get a real job downtown because that's where the best jobs are, since you always get to look beautiful and get to wear nice clothes and can meet someone in the subway who might marry you and take you to live in the big house far away" these were her dreams and desires. Esperanza always noticed how a boy and his friends would always stare at her. They scared her but, she didn't show it. She wants a boyfriend who will always be there for her and with her. "I want to be all new and shiny; I want to sit out bad at night, a boy around my neck and the wind under my skirt." Minerva desires for her husband to stop beating her, or her desire to just leave, but she can't seem to. Minerva writes dime sized poems and puts them in her pocket. One time she kicked him out but, she let him come back. The same thing happened once again. She has two kids, only a little older then Esperanza. "He says he's sorry she opens the door and same story."

Sandra Cisneros

Sandra Cisneros, born in Chicago, Illinois, on December 20, 1954, was the only girl out of seven children in her family. Her childhood was not like an all-American childhood. She moved from house to house to house and never really had a stable home to say she grew up in. When she felt depressed or felt a certain way, she would start writing and reading. Reading set her free. She had a strong connection to Esperanza in her book The House On Mango Street. They both had a sense of instability and being lost. The novel has sold more than two million copies. The House on Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories both written by Sandra Cisneros has a series of vignettes. Cisneros now is currently living in San Antonio, Texas.


If Only

I walked into my house. Within thirty seconds I felt the vibrations of my phone ringing in my pockets. It was one of my best friends. Megan. What's wrong? She never normally called this late. I picked up the phone and she explained. Shock, loss, despair, disbelief all these emotions in one is what I felt. I couldn’t believe my ears. I couldn’t understand what was happening or why. He was fine just last Sunday wasn’t he? I remember seeing him illuminating the sanctuary with his smile and roaring laughter. Nothing was wrong with him, he was happy...he had to be happy. But if he was so happy, or so appeared to be happy why did he do that? How could he do that to his family, his friends...himself? If only we would have known. If only we could have stopped it...if only. If only life worked like a DVD, so that with a click of a button we could fast and start over again. If only we could have seen the signs. If only he could have realized that his life was a precious gift from God and that no matter what he was going through, everything would eventually be alright. If only....Death in itself bares millions of different emotions, but unexpected death… unexpected death leaves you with feelings that you will never forget, feelings that will impact the way you carry yourself and live your life every day. I was never the same after that night. I valued life so much more and always made sure if anyone I knew looked pretty down, I would confront them, talk to them and let them know that someone is there and that I care and I will always be there if they need me.


Self Definition in The house on Mango Street

The theme of self-definition is one often seen in “The house on Mango Street” Esperanza is a young girl trying to find her way through life despite her obstacles. You see her evolve throughout the story. In the beginning Esperanza wants to change her name and separate herself from her parents, brothers and Nenny. She wants to be her own person and make her own choices. Instead of accepting the name given to her by her parents she wants to lead her own life and believes that is a giant step in that direction. Later on she becomes more sexual and wants men to notice and admire her. This is seen in the story about the magic shoes. Esperanza wants to be “beautiful and cruel” so men want her but won’t hurt her. Esperanza then becomes friends with Sally, a beautiful girl all the boys want. After being sexually assaulted Esperanza doesn’t want men to want her anymore. She eventually realizes that changing her name and growing up sexually won’t set her apart. Instead she accepts her place and starts writing to express herself. She realizes writing will help her leave Mango Street emotionally.
~Ingrid <3

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cut it OFF!


Snip, snap, snip! It was all gone. I looked like a boy with my new haircut. I knew I wasn't supposed to cut my hair, but all I wanted was a trim and no one gave me one, so I took matters into my own hands and cut it all off myself. Then I thought, “ While I’m at it, these bushy eyebrows of mine can get a little trim too.” My mom was at work and would be home in an hour. I thought where could I stash all my hair? I wasn't really smart back then so the best place, I thought, was behind my mother’s bed. When she walked through the garage door and I greeted her, I totally thought I was going to get away with it. But like I said, I wasn't such a smart cookie back then and I got caught! I was then reminded that I’m going to be a flower girl in a cliff view wedding the next morning. I would be accepted more like the ring boy then the flower girl. At first I was excited to walk down the aisle, now I’m terrified.
~ Gabby

The House that will never be Home

Moving from house to house as a young girl, Esperanza has lived in many houses, not that she has ever been proud of; none that she can call home. She tells each and every street and tries to describe the house. Her family dreams of a big house with many rooms and many bathrooms. Their house on Mango Street consists of one bedroom and one bathroom. It’s not the house they imagined when they were told they were moving. It has crumbling bricks, no front yard and small windows. It could almost be described as depressing. The family doesn’t have to deal with landlords or rent, the house is all theirs unlike their other houses. At one of their old houses a nun made Esperanza ashamed of where she lives. Esperanza dreams of a house outside of Mango Street, a house where she can have bums living in her attic. A house where she can host fancy dinner parties and be proud of who she is. Despite the fact that Mango Street is where she lives, this house is no home for Esperanza.
~Ingrid <3 


Although she is just the Protagonist’s sister Nenny is still a main character in the story. At first she is only mentioned as the anchor holding Esperanza down. Despite her annoyance Nenny has qualities that Esperanza wants including her name, Magdalena. Nenny shoes her independence throughout the book. Instead of making up a new rhyme about hips, Nenny sticks to old ones the girls already know.  Another time Nenny shows independence is when naming the clouds. She uses every day names such as Angelo and Alicia while the other girls identify the clouds using metaphors. Esperanza dreams of a place outside of Mango Street while Nenny makes Mango Street her place. As the book goes on Nenny is mentioned less and less while other women are introduced. Nenny eventually fades into the blackness and is left alone on Mango Street while Esperanza goes beyond Mango Street.
~Ingrid <3


In “The House on Mango Street” women are seen as almost belongings. They are told what to do and when. It is almost as if they are trapped by men. Esperanza’s great grandmother – after whom she is named – was forced to marry her great grandfather. She spent the rest of her days sitting by the window as if it were freedom which she just could not reach. Another example of the entrapment of women is Sally, Sally a young girl who cannot seem to catch a break. She is emotionally and physically abused by her father. She is forced to make excuses for the many bruises and bumps appearing on her body. Both these women were trapped by the opposite sex just waiting for the day they die, or are set free.
~Ingrid <3

A red balloon tied to an anchor

In a sexist community, women were always expected to take care of the children and food while the men went out to make money. The women were expected to start their role at a young age. They took care of their younger siblings. Esperanza is an example of this, as a young girl, she took care of her younger sister. She was her friend and guide. Esperanza was “a red balloon” tied to her younger sister, Nenny, the anchor. The only way for Esperanza to break the string that ties her to the anchor is to grow up and marry. The other thing women are expected to do.

Growing up as the youngest daughter I sort of understand how Esperanza feels. I was always told to stay close to my older sister and look to her for guidance as she knows the way. I was the anchor holding my sister down. It wasn’t until I grew up and made my own friends that my sister was released from my side. I didn’t realize how much of a burden I must’ve been because all I knew was that my sister was always there for me.
~Ingrid <3

Esperanza- The unreliable narrator

     Throughout "The House on Mango Street" Esperanza speaks of her many adventures and difficulties while growing up. She speaks of these events through her young, naive eyes. Some of the time Esperanza does not even realize what is going on, therefore making her an unreliable narrator. For example, in the vignette about Louie's cousin, Esperanza describes the event as an adventure instead of a bad thing. She mentions that Louie's cousin gets carried away in handcuffs but does not realize that he has just been arrested. She is too young to realize that the car is stolen and they have just taken it for a joy ride. Esperanza's naivety also causes her to say ironic things such as “Meme won. And broke both arms.” Although her stories are very interesting and descriptive, Esperanza fails to see the big picture and realize what truly is going on.

~Ingrid <3

The Magic Shoes

In the movie Wizard of Oz, Dorothy had magic shoes which she got from the Glinda, the good witch of the North. dorothy wears these shoes throughout the movie and eventually uses them to go back home to Kansas. In the "The House on Mango Street" Eperanza, Lucy and Rachel were given "magic shoes" by the lady with the little feet. they were given a bag with "one pair of lemon shoes,and one red and one pair that used to be white but were now pale blue." As soon as the girls put the shoes on they realize that under their long stockings and dresses they have legs. The three girls wore the shoes and strutted around as if they were grown women.  Men on the street called out "Lead me to heaven ladies" and other sayings that made the girls giggle. Other girls are jealous and give them dirty looks. Their dream is short-lived when a bum man asks Rachel for a kiss. The girls then take off running and hide the shoes and never wear them again. The magic shoes aren't so magic anymore.
~ Ingrid <3

Esperanza , Miss Independent

Throughout the novel Esperanza expresses and exhibits independent behavior. She says she wants to be independent and not have to rely on someone. She feels like her younger sister Nenny is a small portion of that feeling. She says "I feel like a red balloon tied to a anchor." Esperanza is obviously that balloon and Nenny is the anchor. Who ties Esperanza down for being free and coming and leaving when she wants. "And since she comes right after me, she is my responsibility" Esperanza says. Also, in the Mexican culture women are viewed as the people who cook, clean, and take care of the children. Her brother’s always tells her to stay inside and do women jobs. Esperanza refuses and rebels because she feels that's not the type of person she is. In the Vignette "My Name" Esperanza tells us she was named after her great-grandmother. Both were born in the Chinese year of the horse. She states "which is supposed to be bad luck if you are born a female-but, i think this is a Chinese lie because the Chinese, like the Mexican, don't like their women strong." She makes it clear that she knows she does not believe this lie because she feels women should be strong and the Mexican culture does not recognize that. Her great-grandmother was so wild that she would not marry. Until her Great-grandfather threw a sac over her head and carried her off, just like that. Also, she says she wants a house on the hill with a garden. "One day ill own my own house, but I won’t forget who I am or where I came from." She'll have bums in the attic and let them sleep there. When she has dinner guest over, the floorboards will make noise and people will say "rats?" "No bums" she'll reply with a smile.

Monkey Garden


The House on Mango Street - Inspiration

Monkey Garden

In the "Monkey Garden" Esperanza expresses how she feels about leaving childhood to enter adolescent hood. She states "things have a way of disappearing in the garden, as if the garden itself ate them, or, as if with its old-man memory." That childhood is slipping away and she's not quite sure if she's ready to let it go. People said she was too old to play games but, she didn't listen. Esperanza followed the others and ran up and down the garden. She told Sally to come but, she stayed with Tito and his friends. The boys had stolen Sally's keys and wouldn't give them back until she kissed them. The boys and Sally were both laughing , but Espernaza says "it was a joke I didn't get." She wanted to hit them with a stick. She wanted to stay with the kids still jumping on the cars and chasing each other. Instead she stays with Sally "who had her own game." "I looked at my feet in their white socks and round shoes. They seemed to far away, they didn't seem to be my feet anymore. And the garden that had been such a good place to play didn't seem mine either." Even though Esperanza sometimes says she wants to grow up and have freedom. She cant seem too throw away her child mentality.

A Rice Sandwhich


In this story I had a connection with Esperanza and wanting to eat in the canteen with all the special kids. When I was younger, I always brought in a healthy lunch from home, but I always wanted to get school lunch because everyone in my grade had gotten free lunch. One day I brought in a twenty dollar bill so I can buy lunch, but then the school called my house and told my parents, resulting in me getting in trouble. I felt bad for Esperanza when Mrs. Cordero made her stand infront of the window and point out where her house was. She is only a young girl that felt pressured and I would cry if I were Esperanza.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Coming of Age Comic

A brief comic on coming of age that I found quite funny ^_^


Tears of a Tiger

Death, it’s something we all have to face whether we like it or not. It is a painful thing that causes sadness, tears, and questions. Death can break the strongest person, but yet makes a weak person stronger. Esperanza was always used to seeing her father as a strong, tough, tenacious man. However after his own father died, Esperanza saw a side of her father that she wasn’t used to, a side of the male sex that she wasn’t used to. Her father was left vulnerable, weak and lost. He cried without shame and with emotion. I believe this came as somewhat of a shock to Esperanza. It’s so hard to imagine the people that have always been the strong ones in your life as someone who is left at their lowest point. Although it may not seem so, everyone has emotions, and everyone has specific things that trigger those emotions. We may not like to admit it, and I would imagine Esperanza’s father feeling almost embarrassed by his vulnerability, but there are certain things that just break us in ways we are not quite used to. No one likes to feel weak, and no one likes seeing their loved ones at a weakened state. I believe that this experience was good for Esperanza. It allowed her to better understand and actually witness the fact that even the most powerful people have their low points. It helped her realize that we are in the end only human, and there are certain events that occur in one’s life that just leave us broken and awestricken. Also, in a way the event gave me the realization of how Esperanza’s parents are preparing her to be a mother. I noticed that Esperanza’s father went to her, rather than her mother and his own wife, to announce the heart-breaking news. He asked Esperanza out of all of his family to tell her siblings about their grandfather’s death. When it comes to tragic news, I normally imagine my mother breaking it to me, not an older sibling. So in some way or another I felt as if her father did this on purpose, almost to secretly prepare her for the role of breaking bad news, something that most mother seem to have the responsibility of.  Another interpretation of her father’s actions could also be his sense of pride. He was too proud to show his vulnerable side to his wife and his sons that most likely look up to him as a role model. And since Esperanza’s little sister Nenny was so young, he probably knew that she wouldn’t quite understand. So in result he told Esperanza, because she was mature enough to handle it and a women of honestly much lower standard then him, since he is the head of the household. Whichever motive it was, maybe even being both I believe that it was a crucial experience for Esperanza to go through, that way she could understand that even eminent people have downfalls.


My Vignette

My Vignette
BOOM! CRASH! All I saw was the old Cadillac car hit my father’s car. Time was in slow motion.  Everything stayed still for what felt like an hour. Sirens came louder and closer with each passing second. “Is everyone ok?” my dad asks. We all reply silently. The door opens, “are you hurt sweetheart?” I look into his eyes and don’t reply. “Don’t cry everything’s fine.” I’m strong because I don’t want to upset my little stepsister who’s in the seat next to me. “Were going to put you in a stretcher, you can sit up if you want.” I didnt say anything, they put me on the gurney and lifted me onto the ambulance. Nothing hurt, but the trauma from the whole event. It kept replaying in my head.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The First Job

In the beginning of this chapter I was happy that Esperanza got a job to help her family and herself out with money. I was also happy when her aunt got her this job even though she wasn't old enough.  In the middle of this chapter when the old Oriental man was having a conversation with Esperanza I thought, " Why would this man that just started talking to Esperanza tell her to sit next to him during their lunch time,  that is so out of the ordinary and strange." I also just assumed from when he started talking to Esperanza that he was a creep trying to get pleasure from her because he was an old man. All I could think about was how much he came off to be a rapist in my mind. When Esperanza said, ".....he said it was his birthday and would he please give him a birthday kiss...." I wasn't suprised at all.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Lady with the marks

All the lights of the kitchen were on in the house on Ridge. If someone was looking in the window they would see three smiling girls and their mother, laughing and dancing. It would look as if nothing could change that happiness.
A piercing scream sounded outside in the darkness. Someone knocked at the door and their mother turned down the music. The three girls were commanded to stay in the kitchen while the mother went to greet a lady with marks on her face.  Their low whispers worried the girls who were ushered into the master bedroom by their worried mother. They tried to hear what their mother and the crying lady were saying but their low whispers were hard to hear.
The girls looked at each other asking what happened, what’s wrong, but none of them knew the answers.
~Ingrid <3


Marin is that older teenage girl that all little girls want to be. She has a boyfriend who lives in Puerto Rico. They send love letters to each other professing how much in love they are.  She said she was going to get a real job downtown. She says “since you always get to look beautiful and get to wear nice clothes and can meet someone in the subway who might marry you and take you to live in a big house far away.” She’s too much trouble though so Louie’s parents are going to send her back. She only comes out at night, lights a cigarette and listens to the radio. When boys pass her they say dumb things but, it doesn’t faze Marin. She is a universal person. Everyone in their lifetime has known someone like her. A girl who is beautiful, who has so much potential to be whatever she wants but, wants a man to sweep her off her feet and take her away from Mango Street.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What Sally Said

When I began to read this chapter, I started to have a soft spot for Sally. The fact that she went to school with bruises on her body and had to lie to her classmates and teachers when they asked what happened and she had to lie is really sad. But after the chapter, my feelings towards Sally began to change. I became extremely mad at her. Esperanza basically begged for her to leave those boys alone and not to kiss them but she refused to listen. Also, when Sally said yes to kissing all of the boys it made Sally sound really bad and risque for a girl her age. I then understood why her father beat her that way, even though it was wrong to beat you child that hard, there was reason behind it. I also thought Sally was acting too grown for her age and wasn't by Esperanza's side like Esperanza was for her.


Coming of Age

Who we are is shaped by the events and trials that happen within our lives. It is a series of events over the years that help us to grow in our maturity and wisdom. In the novel The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, Esperanza goes through this. She faces hardships, problems and the loss of her innocence all throughout the novel.  However, these events are displayed through vignettes which are brief stories that capture specific moments. Esperanza goes though these vignettes in a fast and at times confusing pace, which leads to the reader having to deeply think and elaborate on the text. Despite this, the growth in Esperanza is clearly visible throughout the novel. As the pages turn and the events continue, you can tell by her words and actions that she is beginning to go through changes that she once did not have to endure. These changes are what guide her from the transition of childhood to adulthood. These changes are the coming of age of Esperanza Cordero.
