Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Vignette

My Vignette
BOOM! CRASH! All I saw was the old Cadillac car hit my father’s car. Time was in slow motion.  Everything stayed still for what felt like an hour. Sirens came louder and closer with each passing second. “Is everyone ok?” my dad asks. We all reply silently. The door opens, “are you hurt sweetheart?” I look into his eyes and don’t reply. “Don’t cry everything’s fine.” I’m strong because I don’t want to upset my little stepsister who’s in the seat next to me. “Were going to put you in a stretcher, you can sit up if you want.” I didnt say anything, they put me on the gurney and lifted me onto the ambulance. Nothing hurt, but the trauma from the whole event. It kept replaying in my head.

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