Thursday, December 1, 2011

A red balloon tied to an anchor

In a sexist community, women were always expected to take care of the children and food while the men went out to make money. The women were expected to start their role at a young age. They took care of their younger siblings. Esperanza is an example of this, as a young girl, she took care of her younger sister. She was her friend and guide. Esperanza was “a red balloon” tied to her younger sister, Nenny, the anchor. The only way for Esperanza to break the string that ties her to the anchor is to grow up and marry. The other thing women are expected to do.

Growing up as the youngest daughter I sort of understand how Esperanza feels. I was always told to stay close to my older sister and look to her for guidance as she knows the way. I was the anchor holding my sister down. It wasn’t until I grew up and made my own friends that my sister was released from my side. I didn’t realize how much of a burden I must’ve been because all I knew was that my sister was always there for me.
~Ingrid <3

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