Thursday, December 1, 2011


Although she is just the Protagonist’s sister Nenny is still a main character in the story. At first she is only mentioned as the anchor holding Esperanza down. Despite her annoyance Nenny has qualities that Esperanza wants including her name, Magdalena. Nenny shoes her independence throughout the book. Instead of making up a new rhyme about hips, Nenny sticks to old ones the girls already know.  Another time Nenny shows independence is when naming the clouds. She uses every day names such as Angelo and Alicia while the other girls identify the clouds using metaphors. Esperanza dreams of a place outside of Mango Street while Nenny makes Mango Street her place. As the book goes on Nenny is mentioned less and less while other women are introduced. Nenny eventually fades into the blackness and is left alone on Mango Street while Esperanza goes beyond Mango Street.
~Ingrid <3

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