Thursday, December 1, 2011

Esperanza , Miss Independent

Throughout the novel Esperanza expresses and exhibits independent behavior. She says she wants to be independent and not have to rely on someone. She feels like her younger sister Nenny is a small portion of that feeling. She says "I feel like a red balloon tied to a anchor." Esperanza is obviously that balloon and Nenny is the anchor. Who ties Esperanza down for being free and coming and leaving when she wants. "And since she comes right after me, she is my responsibility" Esperanza says. Also, in the Mexican culture women are viewed as the people who cook, clean, and take care of the children. Her brother’s always tells her to stay inside and do women jobs. Esperanza refuses and rebels because she feels that's not the type of person she is. In the Vignette "My Name" Esperanza tells us she was named after her great-grandmother. Both were born in the Chinese year of the horse. She states "which is supposed to be bad luck if you are born a female-but, i think this is a Chinese lie because the Chinese, like the Mexican, don't like their women strong." She makes it clear that she knows she does not believe this lie because she feels women should be strong and the Mexican culture does not recognize that. Her great-grandmother was so wild that she would not marry. Until her Great-grandfather threw a sac over her head and carried her off, just like that. Also, she says she wants a house on the hill with a garden. "One day ill own my own house, but I won’t forget who I am or where I came from." She'll have bums in the attic and let them sleep there. When she has dinner guest over, the floorboards will make noise and people will say "rats?" "No bums" she'll reply with a smile.

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