Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cut it OFF!


Snip, snap, snip! It was all gone. I looked like a boy with my new haircut. I knew I wasn't supposed to cut my hair, but all I wanted was a trim and no one gave me one, so I took matters into my own hands and cut it all off myself. Then I thought, “ While I’m at it, these bushy eyebrows of mine can get a little trim too.” My mom was at work and would be home in an hour. I thought where could I stash all my hair? I wasn't really smart back then so the best place, I thought, was behind my mother’s bed. When she walked through the garage door and I greeted her, I totally thought I was going to get away with it. But like I said, I wasn't such a smart cookie back then and I got caught! I was then reminded that I’m going to be a flower girl in a cliff view wedding the next morning. I would be accepted more like the ring boy then the flower girl. At first I was excited to walk down the aisle, now I’m terrified.
~ Gabby

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