Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Red Balloon Tied to an Anchor

Bound, Tied, held back
 Never reaching full flight
This heavy anchor attaches to me
Keeping me from ever being free
Holding me down like a stack of bricks
Un-tampered with
Tough, strong, permanent
But nothing is ever really permanent
Nothing last forever
Not even an entire house made out of the strongest of bricks
So when will this anchor unleash me?
When can I reach my full potential?
When can my beautiful bouquet of red illuminate the sky?
And influence people
 Giving them answers to why
And how
And when
Helping to inspire and letting them know that even with
This Giant bound Anchor holding me down
 I still have the hope to eventually fly
Eventually soar and let go of this excess baggage
I will someday be free
Rise higher than the tallest of trees
But this anchor
This bloody resistant anchor
Will never let me go on its own
Will never unleash me by its self
But with your help
With your care
And the simple untying of a knot
Or snip of a scissor
 You can finally free me
You can finally let me soar
 And I can finally say
That this anchor binds me no more
  ~Dana Chang