Monday, November 28, 2011

The First Job

In the beginning of this chapter I was happy that Esperanza got a job to help her family and herself out with money. I was also happy when her aunt got her this job even though she wasn't old enough.  In the middle of this chapter when the old Oriental man was having a conversation with Esperanza I thought, " Why would this man that just started talking to Esperanza tell her to sit next to him during their lunch time,  that is so out of the ordinary and strange." I also just assumed from when he started talking to Esperanza that he was a creep trying to get pleasure from her because he was an old man. All I could think about was how much he came off to be a rapist in my mind. When Esperanza said, ".....he said it was his birthday and would he please give him a birthday kiss...." I wasn't suprised at all.


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