Friday, December 2, 2011


The root word of desire is "sire." Desire is something that overpowers everyone. Throughout the book desire is presented in many different ways. If it's Esperanza's desire to move away from Mango Street or between the relationship of men and women, getting married, or some form of abuse. Esperanza always longs to get away from Mango Street and find a house she can call her home. It's only a temporary home in her eyes. Either it’s Bums in the attic and a house on the hills with a garden. Marin had a desire for a man too sweep her off her feet and take her away. "She's going to get a real job downtown because that's where the best jobs are, since you always get to look beautiful and get to wear nice clothes and can meet someone in the subway who might marry you and take you to live in the big house far away" these were her dreams and desires. Esperanza always noticed how a boy and his friends would always stare at her. They scared her but, she didn't show it. She wants a boyfriend who will always be there for her and with her. "I want to be all new and shiny; I want to sit out bad at night, a boy around my neck and the wind under my skirt." Minerva desires for her husband to stop beating her, or her desire to just leave, but she can't seem to. Minerva writes dime sized poems and puts them in her pocket. One time she kicked him out but, she let him come back. The same thing happened once again. She has two kids, only a little older then Esperanza. "He says he's sorry she opens the door and same story."

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