Thursday, December 1, 2011

Monkey Garden

In the "Monkey Garden" Esperanza expresses how she feels about leaving childhood to enter adolescent hood. She states "things have a way of disappearing in the garden, as if the garden itself ate them, or, as if with its old-man memory." That childhood is slipping away and she's not quite sure if she's ready to let it go. People said she was too old to play games but, she didn't listen. Esperanza followed the others and ran up and down the garden. She told Sally to come but, she stayed with Tito and his friends. The boys had stolen Sally's keys and wouldn't give them back until she kissed them. The boys and Sally were both laughing , but Espernaza says "it was a joke I didn't get." She wanted to hit them with a stick. She wanted to stay with the kids still jumping on the cars and chasing each other. Instead she stays with Sally "who had her own game." "I looked at my feet in their white socks and round shoes. They seemed to far away, they didn't seem to be my feet anymore. And the garden that had been such a good place to play didn't seem mine either." Even though Esperanza sometimes says she wants to grow up and have freedom. She cant seem too throw away her child mentality.

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