Monday, November 21, 2011

What Sally Said

When I began to read this chapter, I started to have a soft spot for Sally. The fact that she went to school with bruises on her body and had to lie to her classmates and teachers when they asked what happened and she had to lie is really sad. But after the chapter, my feelings towards Sally began to change. I became extremely mad at her. Esperanza basically begged for her to leave those boys alone and not to kiss them but she refused to listen. Also, when Sally said yes to kissing all of the boys it made Sally sound really bad and risque for a girl her age. I then understood why her father beat her that way, even though it was wrong to beat you child that hard, there was reason behind it. I also thought Sally was acting too grown for her age and wasn't by Esperanza's side like Esperanza was for her.


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